Team Orange

Andrew Nicholson
Andrew Wong
Arpit Rulania
Ziyue Lian

Week 7 Progress Update



Streaming ASCII

  • Sending messages between devices requires conversion
  • The VHDL standard libraries can be used for text I/O
  • Contents of a file on the sender’s computer is extracted as bits and passed into the LWE system
  • The file reader must sync to the clock of the MCU

Xoroshiro RNG

Optimisations for space

  • Changing PRNG module from LFSR to Xoroshiro
  • Better space efficiency
  • Operations: XOR, Rotate, Shift, Rotate
  • Pseudorandom number generator

Further changes to RNG

  • Ability to reseed RNG module
  • C++ to be used to generate seed values
  • Reworked secret key and public key matrix generators for new RNG module

Dot Product

Speeding things up

  • Looked to change B matrix generation module
  • Increased number of multiplication modules
  • Uses generics to allow for different configurations
    • E.g. For a 16 column A matrix now uses 16 multiplier modules for parallelisation of the modules
  • Reduces time taken to generate B matrix due to costliness of modulo operation

Approximate Multiplier

Trading errors for speed

  • Translation of Verilog HDL to VHDL
  • Looking for areas to increase space efficiencies
    • Example: for B matrix generation requires 16 instances
  • Is enough space saved to warrant use over exact multiplier?
  • Are the errors appropriate for LWE?

Further Evaluation and Research

Next steps

  • Investigate effects of the approximate multiplier
  • Look for further optimisations in existing systems
  • Ensure all three specification requirements are met
  • Compression of data for encoding and transmission
  • Large amount of data required for each bit of message, how can this be improved?
  • Verification of existing modules and integration of components

Team Orange

Andrew Nicholson
Andrew Wong
Arpit Rulania
Ziyue Lian

Thank You! 🍊
