Team Orange

Andrew Nicholson

Andrew Wong

Arpit Rulania

Ziyue Lian
Week 2 Progress Update
Progress This Week

Changes to the Gantt Chart
- RNG implementation has been extended into week 3
- Multiplication pushed back as implementation was discussed in Thursday lecture
- Need for a modulo function
- Need to generate prime numbers
- More research needed to be conducted in week 2 than anticipated
Random Number Generator
Current Implementation
Linear Feedback Shift Register
- Pseudo-random
- Uses a chain of D-Type flip-flops
- Output is XOR’d and used as input feedback

Implementation Result

Alternative (P)RNG Methods
TRNG from Ring Oscillator and PRNG

Current Research
- Synthesisable modulo operation
- Mersenne Primes
- Required for generation of A matrix
- 2N-1 not valid for all N
- Still requires a check if prime
- Sampling and errors
Lessons Learned
Learning Vivado

Learning VHDL
Team Orange

Andrew Nicholson

Andrew Wong

Arpit Rulania

Ziyue Lian