Week 5

Return Oriented Programming

Good Faith Policy

“These courses expects a high standard of professionalism from its students with regard to how security testing is conducted. We expect all students to act in good faith at all times […]”

TL;DR Don’t be mean


Midsem Exam

Friday 2nd July (This week)

3 questions, 2 hours

10am - 6pm

Fuzzer Assignment

[WebCMS] -> [Course Work] -> [Major Project] 

Key Dates

  • Mid-point Submission - End of Week 7
  • Final Submission - End of Week 10

Project Groups

  • Submit groups on the form
  • And also tell me / message me


ROP (Return Oriented Programming) Gadgets are small snippets of a few assembly instructions typically ending in a ret instruction which already exist as executable code within each binary or library. These gadgets may be used for binary exploitation and to subvert vulnerable executables.

When the addresses of many ROP Gadgets are written into a buffer we have formed a ROP Chain. If an attacker can move the stack pointer into this ROP Chain then control can be completely transferred to the attacker.

Most executables contain enough gadgets to write a turing-complete ROP Chain. For those that don’t, one can always use dynamic libraries contained in the same address-space (such as libc) once we know their addresses.

The beauty of using ROP Gadgets is that no new executable code needs to be written anywhere - an attacker may achieve their objective using only the code that already exists in the program. Source: github.com/Ben-Lichtman/ropr


  • Instructions are multi-byte
    • Bytes inside an instruction could form another instruction…
  • We call these unintended instructions ‘gadgets’
  • A ROP Chain is a series of ROP gadgets
  • These gadgets are executable (circumvent NX) because they exist in the actual program code

What, how, I’m confused

Hi confused! I’m a diagram

         0xFFFF +-----------+
                |           |
                |           |
                |           |
                |           |
                |           |
                |           |
                |==  RET  ==|
                |           |   \
                |           |   |
                |           |   | Current function
Start of ---->  |           |   |
  buffer        |           |   /
         0x0000 +-----------+

Tools of the trade

ropper // gropper





Which Gadget?

Ultimately we want to use gadgets that form some desired shellcode e.g. call to /bin/sh

execve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)

eax = 0xb (execve syscall)        # mov eax, 0xb
ebx = bin_sh_address              # ...
ecx = 0                           # xor ecx, ecx
edx = 0                           # xor edx, edx
syscall                           # int 0x80

Useful Gadgets

  • inc ...
  • mov ...
  • add ...
  • sub ...
  • pop ...

Using pop

Your ROP exploit doesn’t need to comprised of just addresses. We can pass values (NB: encoded correctly) and pop them off!

i.e. Set EAX to 13

  • gdgt{mov eax, 13}
  • gdgt{xor eax, eax} + gdgt{inc eax}
  • gdgt{pop eax} + p32(0xd)

pop ... + value

...                             |
payload += gdgt{pop ebx; ret;}  |
payload += p32(0xAABBCCDD)      | payload += ...
...                             | ...
# ebx = 0xAABBCCDD              | # 

Also don’t forget push esp

If you need to get the address of the stack position… find a gadget that pushes esp, and pops it

push esp; pop ...

Note: Generally both of these instructions need to be in the same gadget

ROP Gadgets + Functions

We can also add addresses in our ROP chain.

i.e found a call to system? Use that!

  • Consider the cdecl layout - last arguments first
  • Consider the stack growth - function call first
payload += p32(0x804aabb) # some system() function address
payload += p32(addr_to_binsh)

0xFFFF +-----------------+
       |                 |  # esp+4  ^ when popped     
       |  addr_to_binsh  |  # esp    
       |    0x804aabb    |  # esp-4  v when pushed
       |    ^-------- buffer start
0x0000 +-----------------+

What if a program doesn’t have enough gadgets?

A: Find a better program

Use gadgets in dependent libraries

A: Uninstall, give up, cry, sleep


libc provides functions used by most programs!

i.e basically literally any C function
puts, printf, gets, etc…

  1. Find a base address
  2. Find the libc version
  3. Find a target address

libc library


You can set the base address of an ELF in pwntools!

<ELF>.address = base_address

libc = ELF("libc_version.so")
libc.address = printf_leak - l.symbols['printf']


payload += p32(l.symbols['system']) # Offset adjusted!

Note: Also works for the program base

Don’t forget about ASLR / PIE

  • We need to leak the address of each needed library.
    • library != segment
  • Program base may need to also be leaked.


  • Friday 2nd July (this week) - Midsem
  • Monday, Week 7 - Wargames 5 Due
  • End of Week 7 - Mid-point Fuzzer Due
  • End of week 10 - Final Fuzzer Due



