Project: Splitify
After 7 weeks of toiling and staring at my Webpack instance taking its time "Compiling", and eslint shouting bad things in red at me - We're done!
For the group project, my team settled upon a Spotify playlist manager application, dubbed "Splitify". It's in no way polished or feature rich, and there's a lot that I would have done, but given that this was done in 7 weeks, amongst other courses to study for - it's "adequate".
Now that the assignment has been submitted, if I were to clean up the code, there would be many improvements that I'd want to make.
- Removing the callback hell and just having a single
callback that listeners could attach to - Optimising functions
- Using ES6 syntax for more things
- Use something other than React. Svelte anyone?
Jumping In Too Early
Early into the project, I wanted to get started with the infrastructural design of the components, such as the data structures, and how data would be passed around the components (on a design level). Something like Redux or MobX - but before I knew it, my other team members had already pushed out code, and we were locked into that design structure.
I could definitely see artifacts of bad code designs coming up, but it was difficult to revert due to everyone pushing out code. Merge conflicts would arise, and people didn't carefully consider what to merge during conflict resolution, leading to even more problems.
For example, take the dashboard.tsx
file - which was the main view inside the application. It's fat.
It wouldn't be an Andrew post if I didn't post about my gripe about React.
It's great. It's used everywhere. It's advanced. It's built by the overlords at Facebook.
But it's so freaking massive.
Sure, you don't need to do a npm install
/ yarn
every time you launch the development server; so you only have to wait a few minutes during the initial package installation. Webpack did like to take its sweet time when I tried to develop the project on my Windows machine... I'm not too sure why that was the case.
React offers a great amount of flexibility when it comes to writing your code.
is a funky subscriber based value store for updating data and bubbling events to other components.
hooks are great to conditional execute code, anduseMemo
is a nice touch to amortise renders of the same component.
is a great way to pass data between elements without having to pass down props every component you go.createRef
is pretty neat if dealing with DOM-based functionality.
I did however, find myself question my knowledge (and sanity) when it came to forcibly re-rendering components. This occurred when storing values in an objet that was passed into a component. Since I'm not modifying the object address (which the prop is sensitive to), an update inside the memory pointed to by the address wouldn't trigger a re-render.
I wrote this sort of code twice during this project
It's a function refresh
that updates a value store refreshDrilldown
Any component who I pass and set up refreshDrilldown
as a prop can then be re-rendered when refresh()
is called.
But is this the right way to do it? I have no clue.
I was a bit shocked when my team decided not to create (even a simple) presentation our initial project pitch, so I decided to do it myself. Safe to say, it was a good decision, as every other team that pitched had a presentation.
It would have made our team look unprepared and unorgansised.
That did indeed was how I felt during the development of this project.
No one in my group had much experience with developing with React.
I seemed to be the most proficient at it - and I don't even like React!.
One of the members in my team also asked what a pull request was
Contribution and Timeline
Shout out to Team Member 1 who did their 20% of work, and also for being responsive online!
I didn't any time to touch the project for the first few weeks, as I was busy with other work commitments. But from the end of Week 5, I had time available to dedicate to working on the project
However, the rest of the team also seemed to not have done much either during that time. I would have hoped to see some progress during my absence, having already done a lot with creating the branding resources - logo, textmark, colour scheme, even a build chain to generate different qualities of those images, as well as website to view all of them.
Okay to be fair - it was over the top, and was just me being extra. But I had also created the project pitch presentation, during the wee hours of the morning when I should have been asleep to prepare for the actual project pitch. We should all have been working on that presentation, not just me.
Not that lines of code are in any way, shape or form a good standard of contribution. But I had contributed to around 50% of the project's code base. Given that our taskboard did not assign specific people to specific tasks, I was free to pick up and work on any unstarted task. This was definitely for the better, else I don't think we would have finished on time - and we barely did.
Planned | Actual |
![]() | ![]() |
Slow development also meant delayed tasks, as you can see by the delayed tasks (red).
I really wanted to finish everything by the start of Week 9, as I knew that I'd be busy with other things in Week 9. However, not enough progress was done by the start of Week 8 - and I knew that it wouldn't be possible to finish early.
If you know me, I hate last-minute work.
But.. ahhahaha.. Here we are, submitting 6 seconds before it is due.
At least I could automate the submission :')
We got there in the end. It's over and I'm glad.
In my entire tutorial group, I was the only non-software engineering student, as the other Computer Engineering student in my class decided to drop the course. I was also the only third year student in my group, with everyone being in their fourth year.
I felt out of place in my group, being the only third year student, and being the only non-SENG student. Being in fourth year doesn't necessarily mean that you have more experience. It just means you've suffered at uni for an extra year. I'd say that I carried the assignment, not just in the code, but with the branding and presentations too. I also created and led the presentation for our group's seminar on Intellectual Property.
One thing I need to remind myself constantly is that whilst everyone learns at their own pace, everyone ends up learning.
Here's a nice screenshot of the project's git activity :)
Also pls look at my Project Diary. I spent a lot of time wasted on it