C = {Hello, Help!}

Sending Hello, receiving Hell!

d(Hello, Hell!) = 1
d(Help!, Hell!) = 1

Error Probability

The probability of there being $k$ errors in an message of $n$ bits is.

$P(X=k) = nCk p^k (1-p)^{n-k}$

Depending on the error checking strategy, we might only count some $k$.

  • Pure-detection: 1..n-1
  • Even parity, 2, 4, 6, 8, …
  • Odd parity: 1, 3, 5, 7, …


Minimum distance decoding

Snap to the codeword with the smallest change

Example: Given a received word y, decode to closest codeword X.

C = {Hello, Help!}
d(Hello, Halp!) = 3
d(Help!, Halp!) = 1

So assume to be Help!

The odd case - single codeword that the closest

  • if $minimum distance = 2t + 1$, then $C$ is a $t$-error correcting code

The even case - when there are equidistant codewords

  • If $minimum distance = 2t + 2$, then $C$ is a $t$-error correcting, and $t + 1$-error detecting code.

Standard Strategy

If received word $y$ is distance at most $t$ from a codeword $x$, then decode $y$ to $x$, otherwise flag an error

Snap up to a distance at most $t$ away

$d = 5$
$t = 2$

Pure error detection

Give up completely.


  • If $e+f=d-1$ and $f>=e$, then there is a strategy which is $e$-error correcting and $f$-error detecting
  • If $d = 2t + 1$ -> odd, then $C$ is $t$ error correcting
  • If $d = 2t + 2$ -> even, then $C$ is $t$ error correcting and $t+1$ error detecting

Let $c \in Z_2^n$ be an $n$-bit word.

The sphere of radius $r$ around $c$

\$S_r © = {x \in Z_2^n : d(x,c) <= r}

The volume of this sphere is its size |S_r©|


For c = 1100 s(1)
For c = 1100 s(2)


$|S_r © | = 1 + (n;1) + (n;2) + … + (n;r)$


Consider the code $C = {000, 111}$

$S_1(000) = {000, 001, 010, 100}$
$S_1(111) = {111, 110, 101, 011}$

If the spheres of radius $r$ around each codeword $x$ do not overlap, then they form a sphere packing.

  • Small enough as to not overlap
  • Big enough to correct things

Sphere-Packing Condition Theorem (binary case)

A $t$-error correcting binary code $C$ of length $n$ has minimum distance $d = 2t + 1$ or $2t + 2$, and

$|C| \Sum_(i=0)^t (n;i) <= 2^n$

– Work out $d$ first, then work out $t$

A binary code is perfect if it achieves equality (covers everything) ( … = 2^n)


A $1$-error correcting binary code $C$ must satisfy $|C|(1+n)<=2^n$

\$|C| (nC0 + nC1)\$

A linear code C is a vector space over some field $F$.

It is the null-space or kernel $C = {x \in F^n : Hx^T = 0}$ of an $m \times n$ parity check matrix $H$ with $m = rank(H)$

  • $dim C = k = n-m$ (rank nullity theorem)
  • If C is binary, then $|C| = 2^k$
  • C is systematic
  • If H is in REF, leading columns - check bits, non-leading - information

If C is a linear code with parity check matrix H, then

  • w© = d©
  • d© = min {r:H has r linearly dependant columns}

The parity check matrix of a Hamming-type code C with m>=2 and n>=3 has no repeated column, but columns 1,2,3 are linearly independent.

Suppose that C is a binary linear code with d© = 2t+1 or d©=2t+2. Let x\inC and suppose that X~->y with u<=t errors. Then y=x+e_i_1 + … + e_i_u for u stadard unit vectors e_i_j

$S(y) = Hy^T = H(x^T + H_e_i^^T + … + H_E_i_u^^T)$

$= He_i_1^^T + … + He_i_u^^T$

We can see that Hy^T is the sum of u columns of H.

Suppose that Hy^T is also another columns of u’ <= t columns He_j_l of H

Then He_i_1^^T + … + H_e_i_u^^T + He_j_1^^T + … + He_j_u’^^T = Hy^T + Hy^T = 0

2t lots of columns, but that is less than d

So only one unique sum.

The received word y = 11001 has a single error.