The Dirac Delta

Monday, 25 March 2019

4:21 PM

Consider a pulse, a signal that is non-zero only over a short time

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Now send 𝜏→0, while preserving its energy

Dirac delta (impulse)

𝛿﷐𝑡﷯===﷐﷐lim﷮τ→0﷯﷮﷐Π﷮𝜏﷯(𝑡)﷯=﷐﷐+∞, 𝑡=0﷮0,𝑡≠0﷯﷯
Such that ﷐−∞﷮∞﷮𝛿﷐𝑡﷯ 𝑑𝑡﷯=1

Used in a functional sense, to map from a function to a value
﷐∞﷮∞﷮𝑓﷐𝑡﷯𝛿﷐𝑡−𝑎﷯ 𝑑𝑡﷯=𝑓﷐𝑎﷯
(just 𝑓﷐𝑎﷯)
"samples" 𝑓(𝑡) at 𝑡=𝑎

Fourier Transformation of 𝛿﷐𝑡﷯

ℱ﷐𝛿﷐𝑡﷯﷯=﷐−∞﷮∞﷮𝛿﷐𝑡﷯﷯﷐𝑒﷮−𝑗𝜔𝑡﷯ 𝑑𝑡=1
Sample ﷐𝑒﷮−𝑗𝜔𝑡﷯ at 𝑡=0

So ﷐𝑒﷮−0𝜔𝑡﷯=1

So then

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If we use the convolution operation, if we set  to  then

The output of an impulse into a system is the transfer function

How to generate an impulse?

Square wave with a low duty cycle



We can use an impulse to characterise a circuit or system


The impulse in the frequency domain is purely DC (only at )


Created with Microsoft OneNote 2016.