Transient Response

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

4:48 PM

First order circuits - contains resistive elements and a capacitor, or resistive elements and an inductor… and an op-amp or two…

"First order" - Order of the differential equation due to RC or RL circuit, analysed in terms of either a voltage or a current

Capacitor - 𝑖﷐𝑡﷯=﷐𝑑𝑞﷐𝑡﷯﷮𝑑𝑡﷯=𝐶﷐𝑑𝑣﷐𝑡﷯﷮𝑑𝑡﷯
Inductor - 𝑣﷐𝑡﷯=𝐿﷐𝑑𝑖﷐𝑡﷯﷮𝑑𝑡﷯
Depends on the equations for energy storage elements:

Example first-order circuits:

Express in descending orders of derivative, with highest order having a coefficient of 1 (convention)

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First order linear circuits produce linear differential equations with constant coefficient, with the form:
… Where 𝑥(𝑡) is a circuit quantity (either voltage or current)
… Where ﷐𝑎﷮0﷯ is a constant
… Where 𝑓(𝑡) is a forcing function
Find the solution of the homogeneous equation

Solution: ﷐𝑥﷮𝑛﷯(𝑡) is called the natural response, and is independent of the source applied.
1st Order: ﷐𝑑𝑥﷮𝑑𝑡﷯+﷐𝑎﷮0﷯𝑥=0, the general solution has the form ﷐𝑥﷮𝑛﷯﷐𝑡﷯=﷐𝐴﷮1﷯﷐𝑒﷮−﷐𝑎﷮0﷯𝑡﷯=﷐𝐴﷮1﷯﷐𝑒﷮−﷐𝑡﷮τ﷯﷯  where τ=﷐1﷮﷐𝑎﷮0﷯﷯
Look for a solution to the forced response (by trial and error)
If 𝑓﷐𝑡﷯ = constant, then we assume a forced response solution of the form ﷐𝑥﷮𝑓﷯﷐𝑡﷯ = constant

The complete solution

Use the initial conditions (i.e. 𝑥(0)) to determine any unknowns/constants

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Second-order: Combination of resistive elements and two-energy storage elements inductors and or capacitors) refers to the order of the differential equation in terms of voltage or current

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Created with Microsoft OneNote 2016.