Wednesday, 20 March 2019
5:29 PM
Air core - nothing in between
Ferrite core - double dashed line
Iron core - double solid line
Flux Leakage//
Flux leakage occurs when part of the flux breaks out of the core, reducing the output of the secondary coil
An Ideal Transformer
Instead of a mutual inductance arrow, there is a primary coil turn to secondary coil turns ratio (physically) above
The load in a secondary circuit of a transformer is
reflected into the primary circuit by transformer action
Reflected impedance
Oppositely wounded transformers - 180 degrees out of phase
Dot Rule for Transformers
If I_1 and I_2 both enter into or both leave the dotted terminals, use - turns ratio
If V_1 and V_2 are both positive or both negative at the dotted terminals, use + for turns ratio
Created with Microsoft OneNote 2016.