Magnetically Coupled Circuits

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

5:18 PM

Self-Inductance (L)

Consider a current flowing through a coil with N turns.
This current produces a magnetic flux 𝜙 (weber) which is proportional to the current in the coil


Mutual-Inductance (M)

Flux coupling - a current in one flux establishes a flux that affects a nearby second coil
Voltage is proportional to the time rate of change of the current flowing through the first coil

Inductance induces self-inductance in its own circuit, and mutual inductance on another nearby circuit

Mutual inductance only occurs in a four-terminal layout, or a two inductor layout

Mutual inductance is denoted either by an arch between two circuits, or by dots.
Dot rule: When the reference current direction is into the dotted terminal of one coil, the reference polarity of the voltage term induced in the other coil is positive at its dotted terminal

A current entering the dotted terminal of one coil produces a voltage that is positively sensed at the doted terminal of the second coil

!!! Refer to picture on phone

Self-Induction and Mutual Voltage

+ for positive sense
− for negatve sense

(actual inductance + mutual inductance (multiplied by the current)

Analysis of circuits containing coupled coils
Ink Drawings
Ink Drawings
Ink Drawings

Analysis of circuits containing coupled coils

For coil 1 - ﷐𝑉﷮1﷯=﷐﷐𝑅﷮1﷯+𝑗𝜔﷐𝐿﷮1﷯﷯﷐𝐼﷮1﷯+𝑗𝜔𝑀﷐𝐼﷮2﷯
For coil 2 - ﷐𝑉﷮2﷯=﷐﷐𝑅﷮2﷯+𝑗𝜔﷐𝐿﷮2﷯﷯﷐𝐼﷮2﷯+𝑗𝜔𝑀﷐𝐼﷮1﷯


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