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Example 1.1 
Find the frequencyf, period Tof the voltage waveforms given below. Also find the 
phase angle between VI(t) and V2(t). Does VI(t) lead or lag V2(t) ? 
(i) VI (t) = 12 sin(314t + 450) and V2(t) = 6 sin(314t — 150) 
(ii) VI(t) = 12 sin(314t + 450) and V2(t) = 6 cos(314t — 1050) 

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Untitled picture.png Machine generated alternative text:
Find the phase angle between il = —4 sin(100TTt + 250) and 
i2 = 5 cos(1007Tt — 400) . Does il lead or lag i2? 
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Wednesday, 20 February 2019
4:44 PM


Machine generated alternative text:
QI: Consider the sinusoids 10 cos(200t + 45) and 
5 sin(200t + 150) . Determine the time by which 
V2(t) is advanced or delayed with respect to Vl(t). 
Ans: vz(t) is delayed with respect to VI(t) by 10.47 ms


Machine generated alternative text:
Find the average value for the following 
half-wave rectified sine wave. 
(t) = I'm sin(wt) 
eriod (T)


Untitled picture.png Machine generated alternative text:
Q2: A sinusoidal current is given as 
100 cos(5000zt - 135) mA 
Determine the period T and the time to at which the first 
positive peak occurs. 

Untitled picture.png Machine generated alternative text:
Q3: Express the voltage shown in Figure 1 in general form 
given below: v(t) = + 4) Volts 
where v m 2 0 and — 1800 1800 
v(t), mv 
Prof E Ambikairajah. UNSW, Australia 
Figure I 
Ans:Vm = 100m = -900 
Useful Trigonometric Identities 
± 1800) = — sine»t 
± 1800) = — COS 
± 900) = ± COS cot 
90 ) 
0 = F sin ("t 







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