Bode Plots

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

5:24 PM

Bode plots are plots of the magnitude response in decibels (dB),
and phase response (degrees) as a function of frequency (rad/s) on a logarithmic scale


A rational transfer function, the general form is

Note that:

This means we can sketch each factor separately and add them graphically
Constant term
 Zero or pole at origin (ie 𝑗𝜔 or ﷐1﷮𝑗𝜔﷯)- magnitude is 20﷐﷐log﷮10﷯﷮𝜔﷯ (zero), or −20﷐﷐log﷮10﷯﷮𝜔﷯  (pole)
- phase is 90° (zero), or −90° (pole)

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   Single zero or pole 
1+﷐𝑗ω﷮﷐𝑧﷮1﷯﷯ (zero)
﷐1﷮1+﷐𝑗ω﷮﷐𝑝﷮1﷯﷯﷯ (pole)

→20﷐﷐log﷮10﷯﷮1﷯=0 as 𝜔→0

→20﷐﷐log﷮10﷯﷮﷐ω﷮﷐﷐𝑧﷮1﷯﷯﷯﷯ as 𝜔→∞


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Created with Microsoft OneNote 2016.