Accessing the shell on v02.29.02


The old firmware stores the root password in the vinda file (mmcblk0p6), however newer firmware versions (supposedly after June 2020) don’t seem to respect the contents of the file; with the existing password no longer working

TL;DR - Get access to serial shell

# Hold 's' during power on to enter UBoot's shell
setenv setargs_mmc ${setargs_mmc} init=/bin/bash

# When you access the /bin/bash shell, enter in:
echo 'V' > /dev/watchdog

# Edit the /etc/inittab file
# Prepend a # to ::respawn:/sbin/rr_login -d /dev/ttyS0 -b 115200 -p vt100
# Append ttyS0::respawn:/bin/login

# Reboot

# Login with root and previous password

Initial Shell Access with Normal System Functional

Firstly, get access to the UBoot shell (spam the s key during power on)

setenv setargs_mmc ${setargs_mmc} init=/bin/bash

When you enter the shell, immediately enter in echo 'V' > /dev/watchdog to prevent the system from rebooting

After, set up the linux filesystem structure

mount -n -t proc none /proc 
mount -n -t tmpfs none /run
mkdir -p /run/shm
mount -n -t tmpfs tmpfs /var -o size=30m
mkdir -p /var/tmp /var/log /var/modules /var/lib/misc/ /var/lib/dhcp
ln -s /run /var/run
mkdir -p /dev/pts
mount -n -t devpts none /dev/pts
mount -n -t sysfs none /sys
ln -s /run/shm /dev/shm
echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
mdev -s

# Source: /etc/init/rcS

Then start all of the basic required services

/etc/init/S01logging start
/etc/init/S02hostname start
/etc/init/S02network start
/etc/init/S03mountall start    


After getting the UART shell… I have no idea what the root password is.. it’s not matching the XOR’d vinda file anymore

I tried nulling out the /etc/passwd file (aka setting root❌ to root:: but local access still didn’t work

UPDATE - BECAUSE of** rr_login**

Try reset the password with passwd root (or passwd -d root to clear)

  • Note - this seems to affect the SSH login though :)
  • Note - also affects /bin/login

Local Shell

Inside of /etc/inittab (SysV)

::sysinit:/etc/init/rcS S start
::shutdown:/etc/init/rcS K stop
::respawn:WatchDoge $RR_ROOT/watchdog >> $RR_UDATA/rockrobo/rrlog/watchdog.log 2>&1
::respawn:/usr/sbin/dropbear -F
::respawn:/sbin/rr_login -d /dev/ttyS0 -b 115200 -p vt100

We can see that the serial connection is handled by /sbin/rr_login.

The SSH server is replaced with dropbear , and additionally no longer runs by default.
dropbear -B - Start SSH server (-B allows empty password)


We can comment out the rr_login line, and replace it with ttyS0::respawn:/bin/login

This will cause ttyS0 connections to be handled by /bin/login (which respects our /etc/passwd


UPDATE: In later versions, Dropbear verifies against a non-existent (at least in my system) [default]/shadow file and so will always fail

Dropbear is used instead of the OpenSSH server. It’s very old and supports outdated key exchange algorithms which are not enabled by default on OpenSSH clients.

You’ll need to SSH with some options: ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 root@[host]

You can attempt to patch out the iptable drop commands located in /etc/init/rrwatchdoge.conf and /etc/init/S04wdgenv

However the WatchDoge process will reinstate it…
Literally, it’s the first instruction!

At least they’re blocking IPv6 now!

--> Might need to force iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT -p tcp --dport 22 somewhere?