Upgrade Notes

  • Firmware is upgraded incrementally rather than straight to the latest version
    • Probably because of dependencies, etc


  1. Download to blk10
  2. Flash blk10 to blk9
  3. Boot into blk9 (new)
  4. Flash blk10 to blk8

Upgrade Log

The original firmware that was on the device was 01.15.58

There was an upgrade notice to go to v01.17.08
Once upgraded, there was another upgrade to go to 01.17.08
Once upgraded, there was another upgrade to go to 01.19.98

I think I got locked out at this point, because the UART shell didn’t accept my root credentials

Files That Are There?

  • /usr/sbin/tcpdump
    • Call to tcpdump in /opt/rockrobo/wlan/wlanmgr
  • /usr/bin/scp


  • Newer versions no longer use the vinda file, and use an embedded linux OS rather than Ubuntu 14. Now uses busybox.
    • Edit: /etc/os-release still seems to suggest VERSION="14.04.3 LTS, Trusty Tahr", but the system is much more heavily locked down
  • The serial/console login seems to be handled by /sbin/rr_login
    • Tries to access /mnt/default/shadow - but it doesn’t exist on the system and hence always errors out
    • We can modify /etc/inittab and switch out /sbin/rr_login for the default login handler
  • IPv6 is blocked with ip6tables
  • Dropbear is used as the SSH server
    • The WatchDoge process will re-run the iptables SSH drop rule, rendering simple conf commenting void
    • Have to patch WatchDoge to null the iptables command
  • The rrlogd process has been upgraded to drop SSH (iptables) if the system model version check enters the false branch
    • Also need to patch rrlogd to null the iptables command
  • /opt/rockrobo/wlan/wlanmgr has the ability to call tcpdump during debug mode

Supposedly Giese realised this in 2020 as well oop


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