OTA Updates blocked as of late-2019


The device that I had was manufactured in June 2020 (06/2020).
Unfortunately this means that MiIO OTA updates are blocked.

If you ever wanted some older stock image… https://vacuumz.info/download/s6/stock/

What the OTA payload looks like

  "method": "miIO.ota",
  "params": {
    "mode": "normal",
    "install": "1",
    "app_url": "",
    "file_md5": "6e24b0454b170f67676693b759fba742",
    "proc": "dnld install"
  "id": 474627483

MiIO Client 3.5.4

Looks like the miIO client was patched - and a set of commands were removed; though remnants existed here and there they added code to handle and drop an OTA update

Instead of being handled by the broadcast routine (yellow), it just prints out “Recv OTA CMD!!!” and then that’s it…

Below: Replies to the request with nothing in the reply

miio client - MIIO OT protocol implementation
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Xiaomi
Author: Yin Kangkai <yinkangkai@xiaomi.com>
Version: miio-client 3.5.4
Build time: 12:34:47 Aug  1 2019

Old Version - 3.3.9

FYI - I renamed the subroutine broadcast

When the handler parses the packet, after going through the other handlers, it then passes the message to be broadcasted (locally)

The AppProxy should reply with something (here it seems it’s because it knows it’s not connected to the internet?)

miio client - MIIO OT protocol implementation
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Xiaomi
Author: Yin Kangkai <yinkangkai@xiaomi.com>
Version: miio-client 3.3.9
Build time: 18:05:32 Jun 20 2017

Usage: ./c
        [-D --daemonize]
        [-H --host=<host>] enture mutual exclusion with -C,you can only use -C or -H at the same time
        [-p --port=<port>]
        [-i --interval=<int> ms] set sync interval of _otc.info
        [-l --loglevel=<level>] set loglevel (0-4), bigger = more verbose
        [-L --logfile=file] output log into file instead of stdout
        [-d --datadir=<path>] set miio data dir path, ending with '/'
        [-e --enckey] key(s) are encrypted saved
        [-E --encdata] data communication are encrypted
        [-C --dcountry] set the country domain where the device locates in,ignore if it in China
        [-h --help]

Also confirmed by Dennis - date >= 2019-11 (ver >= 2008)

Patchy Patch 🤷‍♂️