What Is A Thesis

Note - A thesis is not an assignment

  • A thesis is often more open-ended, without a specific conclusion
  • You plan out the course of the work

Thesis types

Research Project

Carry out a small focussed piece of research

Development Project

Build a software and/or hardware system

R&D Project


Parts of the UNSW Thesis

Thesis A

  • Background research (literature review)
  • Current state of the art
  • How to advance
  • Presentation (Project overview + plan)
    • Use feedback to broaden literature review and to refine the topic
  • Report (Summarise thesis A achievements)

Thesis B

Solve the problem

  • Get some preliminary results or analysis / Work on the prototype
  • Demonstrate the results, and reflect on progress against your plan
  • Give a detailed plan for Thesis C

Thesis C

Complete the solution, evaluate your work and write the report

  • Complete the solution and evaluate
  • Demonstrate the solution and analyse it (including weaknesses)
  • Use feedback from the presentation to improve your solution
  • Final thesis report
    • Project description + Literature review
    • Approach + Evaluation + Conclusion
  • Summary / Abstract