Registers in the x86 processor are 32 bits wide.

  • 4 general purpose registers
    • EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX
    • The upper 8 bits of the lower 16 bits can be accessed with AH, BH, CH, DH
    • The lower 8 bits of the lower 16 bits can be accessed with AL, BL, CL, DL
  • ESI - Another general purpose register
  • EDI - Another general purpose register
  • ESP - stack pointer
  • EBP - base pointer
  • EFLAGS - Status Register
  • EIP - Instruction pointer

Stack Frames

  • Stack grows down

  • Stack pointer points to the top of the stack

  • Frame pointer points to the start of the stack

  • In x86, it is the responsibility of the caller to set up the arguments in the stack for the function to be called

    • The caller is also responsible to remove the arguments in the stack
  • Prologue - Pushing items setting up the stack

  • Epilogue - Tearing down the stack

  • The ret function will pop the last item on the stack and put it onto the stack

Use Intel syntax in gdb

echo "set disassembly-flavor intel" >> ~/.gdbinit

  • eax = ebx -> mov eax, ebx
  • eax = *ebx -> mov eax, [ebx]
  • eax = *(ebx+4) -> mov eax, [ebx+4]

LEA -> Get address / dereference

lea ebx, [ecx+4] == mov ebx, ecx -> add ebx, 4



-> push c
-> push b
-> push a
-> call function
-> add esp, 0ch ; add 0x0c to the esp to clean up the stack