
  • Stack reorder, randomised padding
  • Canary
  • Write good code


  • ASLR / PIE Randomisation
  • NX
  • Pointer Authentication
  • Hypervisor

Use checksec to figure out what memory protection technologies are applied to a given binary

Address Space Layout Randomisation - ASLR

A system-wide setting that randomises the base of the stack and heap.

When a new process executes, each memory region gets an ASLR slide - random number (aligned to a boundary with a final byte of 00).

  • Does not affect functions (which belong in the code segment)
  • Pwndbg disables ASLR by default

  • Attempts to increase entropy, have to guess XX bits

Position Independent Execution - PIE

  • Randomises the base address of the text and code regions (related to the program)
  • Requires ASLR to be enable for it to be effective.

To beat PIE, we need to be able to leak an address in the required memory region, and through static analysis - find the base address. Since items inside the same memory region is still relative (only the base is randomised), we can find addresses to other items in that same memory address.

No eXecute Bits - NX bits

Prevents the stack from being executed.
Set by the compiler, enforced by hardware

To beat the NX bit we can use RIP / RET2code / RET2libc

RELocation Read Only - RELRO

  • Makes the GOT read-only
  • Partial RELRO
    • Useless
  • Full RELRO
    • GOT is read-only


Adds some checks into the program, to attempt to detect possible buffer overflows

  • Only allows %n to be used in a format string if the string is in read-only memory

Pointer Authentication (PAC)

Detect pointers created by an external entity.
Jumped to a signed version of an address, which needs to be verified (pointer + secret key (process context) + some third value(current stack pointer))


There are some common patterns

0x565... - Binary base when PIE is enabled
0x804... - Binary base when PIE is disabled
0xF7... - Library base
0xFF... - Stack base