Ethics - Consideration of the consequences of your actions, whether it is good or bad.

Vulnerability Discloure

1970s - Phone Phreaking

Playing a certain tone(s) into the phone microphone allowed privileged actions to be performed.
i.e calls be made for free.

1980s - X25 Protocol Modems

Computers and network attacks

1986 - Hacking made illegal

1900s - Tools started to become public, exploits made aware, lots of bugs in open-source software fixed

1997 - Solar designer released ret2libc

Antisec - Attack the security industry

Hacktivism - Hacking Activism

Hacking for the 'greater good'

Client-side hacking

Instead of hacking servers; hack the client computers

The chance of an attack is (nowadays) a ratio of the value of the program and the cost of the attack