Same and Cross Origin Policy
Same-Origin Policy (SOP)
- Javascript code can only access data from the same origin (scheme + host + port)
Very limited access to cross-origin sites (unless server is configured to allow)
Scripts, images, static files that remain relatively constant often are not protected by SOP
Dynamic content is often protected by SOP
Allowing cross-origin
Why Allow
- To allow API endpoints that are located on a different (sub)domain
- Scripts, images, content that is hosted on a different domain
In order for cross-origin requests to work, the browser must receive several special headers from the server response
- List of origins allowedAccess-Control-Allow-Methods
- List of methods allowedAccess-Control-Allow-Headers
- List of non-standard headersAccess-Control-Max-Age
- Value in secs to cache preflight req
Browsers often request these headers through the OPTION method