
Connection to Host

  • Client sends hello({id:...,key:...}) to host
    • If bad auth, return r_hello({status:false,attempts:...})
    • Establish connection, return r_hello({status:true,udp_port:...})
    • Client sends hello({id:...}) (UDP) to host
    • Host registers client’s address
  • Every interval, client sends keepAlive (UDP) to host
  • Client sends command to host
    • Host returns command


The relay server does not exchange party connection details unless a connection is authorised.
The relay server only keeps a record of the host’s details in memory.

  • Client sends hello to relay
    • If no ID, return r_hello({status:false})
    • Relay sends hello to host
    • If bad auth, return r_hello({status:false})
    • Exchange connection details
  • Every interval, host sends poll to relay
  • Every interval, client sends list to relay
    • Relay returns r_list


Connection Messages

  • keepalive
    Description: A periodic “Keep Alive” message over UDP. No reply
    Source: Client
    Destination: Host

  • hello
    Description: Connect and authenticate to a relay / host
    Data: id, key Source: Client / Relay
    Destination: Relay / Host

  • list
    Description: Request the computers connected to the relay
    Source: Client
    Destination: Relay

  • poll
    Description: Broadcast presence to a relay server / client (UDP). No reply
    Data: { Public IP, Computer Name, MAC Address, RAM, CPU }
    Source: Host
    Destination: Relay

Control Messages

  • display_setup
    Description: Configuration for the display stream

  • screenshot
    Description: Take a screenshot of the host’s display

  • control_setup
    Description: Configuration for keyboard/mouse input

  • control
    Description: Input data for keyboard/mouse input

  • keylog_setup
    Description: Configuration for keyboard logging

  • webcam_setup
    Description: Configuration for webcam control

  • restart
    Description: Reboot the host machine

  • shutdown
    Description: Shutdown the host machine

  • lock
    Description: Lock the host machine

Data Messages (Response)

  • r_hello Description: Hello response
    Data: status, attempts
    Source: Host / Relay
    Destination: Relay / Client

  • r_list
    Description: Returns a list of computers connected to the relay
    Data: Object of computers Source: Relay
    Destination: Client

  • r_display - Display stream data

  • r_screenshot - Screenshot data

  • r_keylog - Keylog data