Before writing the server, I first had to write up the communications protocol for TCP and UDP connection between the client, server, and relay.

With that done, I then worked on implementing actual functionality into the server.

OS Compat: Windows

To install some packages, I needed node-gyp, which is a tool to compile C / C++ code into addons usable by Node.js.

$> npm install windows-build-tools

But it didn’t seem to work, and just froze on one of its operations.

I solved it by installing a specific version from the production release.

$> npm install --global --production windows-build-tools@4.0.0

Display Capture

I used the screenshot-node library which had native support for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows! Yay!

The native C++ code that it was written in writes the screenshot data into a file on the filesystem - although I needed it to be stored in the memory.

Instead of rewriting the code, I decided to write a wrapper to stream the file contents into a buffer so that the data itself could be passed between functions.