Activity time - Social engineer two staff members of the ficticious company Puppy Love to retrieve flags!


  • Recover the flag for the Facebook account through social engineering over email
  • Recover the flag for a bank transfer through social engineering over email

First off, recon.


Having a look at the website, we’ve gotten the following software products on our technology stack:

  • CMS: WordPress (4.8.6)
  • Server: LiteSpeed

The other non-important stuff are Font Awesome, and jQuery - but there’s nothing we can do with those things.

In fact… there’s nothing we can do at all! What we’re seeing is a static site, a clone of a WordPress page…
But anyway this is a social engineering activity, so let’s find some useful data!

Note: Going to ignore the timestamps and pretend that the information and data is in ‘present time’

  • David Quest
    • (e)
    • Operations
    • Likes microbrewing
    • Has two black pugs - Angela, Jessie
  • Sarah Jenkins
    • (e)
    • Has a 3 years old son named James
    • Married to David
    • Has a beagle named Jasper
    • Instagram -
    • James’ birth date is 02/12/2014
    • Other dogs: Max, Bella
    • 04/06 -> Mark’s 35th birthday - Husband???
  • Facebook - (inactive)
  • Dog: Stella
  • Business Address - 363 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000


What can we infer from our data about David and Sarah?

  • Dogs: Angela, Jessie, Jasper, Max, Bella, Stella
  • David likes microbrewing - so possibly Coffee
  • Child: James, 02/12/14, 021214
  • Sarah’s husband: David
  • Sarah’s other husband (!??): Max, 040682, 040683, 0406.., 040616, 040617

If there was some sort of password / secret password form, these keywords could be possible dictionary attack candidates.
But this task isn’t that hard :)

Red team, go!
Note: I was lazy and didn’t actually write full sentences. I had a hunch that this demo site was just looking for keywords (which it did).
But it would be better practice to write actual proper emails.

But who’s got time for that? Trimesters yo.

Facebook Flag

The Facebook link at the bottom of the website doesn’t go anywhere, we so won’t actually be attacking or finding information off Facebook.
So let’s try send an email to Sarah about the Facebook password.

Sending an email with the keyword sarah

I’m sorry - I don’t understand what you’re after.
Can you send me another email and be a little clearer?
Kind regards,

Sending an email with the keywords sarah and facebook

I’m pretty busy at the moment and just checking email on phone - what is it you’re after for the facebook account?
Let me know and ill see what I can do
Kind regards,

Sending an email with the keywords sarah, facebook and password

Yep no worries.
The facebook login details are:
password: COMP6441{MakeSureYouSetUpTwoFactorAuthToPreventThis!!}
Kind regards,

Banking Flag

If we send an email to Sarah about payments, we’ll receive this response

I’m sorry. I don’t handle payments. You’re better off speaking to David about that.
Sorry I couldn’t be more help!!!
Kind regards,

So let’s send it to David then!

Sending an email to David, with no important keywords

Thanks for the email.
What’s this regarding? I’m a little behind on payments if its about that. Soz.

Right, so he’s a bit behind on payments - let’s follow that up with him

Sending an email with the keywords david and payment

Sorry - I’m a bit busy at the moment and you know how I feel about doing payments over email.
Can this wait until tomorrow? Or is it urgent?

Sending an email with the keywords david, payment and urgent

Okay. I understand - it’s an urgent payment!
I’ve just put the transfer through now on netbanking.
The confirmation code is COMP6441{paymentfraudisreal!}


We also get a variety of other email responses should you miss out on k e y w o r d s

I’m sorry. This email looks random, suspicious and doesn’t even look addressed to me.
I’m going to delete it.


Sorry. I’m not sure who this is…
I don’t reply to emails from people I don’t know.


So we’ve recovered the two flags COMP6441{paymentfraudisreal!} and COMP6441{MakeSureYouSetUpTwoFactorAuthToPreventThis!!}.

How would you protect these things from happening?

One idea would be to have a communication protocol, that in order to request something you must say it in a certain way.
Though that would be vulnerable to an attacker who knows the protocol.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) (as hinted in the flag) is another possible way to mitigate these attacks - by requiring another factor of identification to authenticate.
For example, both David and Sarah could have a 2FA code attached to a physical device like their phones - making a remote attack much harder without access to their phones.

Perhaps you could also store the login passwords, securely that is.

But at least it would’ve (could’ve should’ve) stopped someone like me trying to gain access during 5 minutes of my spare time