It was 1:54am, and I was about to prepare to go to sleep. Switching over the Google Calendar tab on Franz, I was unable to see any calendar or schedule entries. Having refreshed the page, I was greeted with a 404 Not Found error page…

On 19th June 2019, at approximately midnight, Google Calendar went down. The mobile application seemed to work fine despite this outage, just the website. The outage lasted for around 3 hours, from 12am - 2.40am AEST.

This occurence was ironic as an hour before this service outage, they tweeted about the ease of use and availability of Google Calendar

But I’m guessing that during the latest version deployment they had screwed something up and caused the web server to misconfigure…
Or who knows maybe it’s an attack..

That said, from all the news sources that have written about this; none of them have been useful whatsoever when it comes to technical details.
I really do think that news sources just read other news articles, and copy pasta their own version…