Exams, Assessments!!!

I took a bit of break from this security course this week, as I was falling abit behind in my other subjects.


This week’s lectures talked about the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method, where by the magic of maths (exponents) you can confidentially derive a shared secret without having to transmit your private segment over the internet! That way a third party, even receiving messages - won’t be able to (easily) find the shared secret. Huzzah!

The extended security students gave their presentation about Bug Bounties and Pentesting, which was sorta cool

Something Awesome

I found a bug in my application protocol, some bytes are arriving in the wrong order or something - but it only happens when two events (that write to the socket) are fired at the same time. I wrote a buffer, but perhaps I didn’t implement it right…

Otherwise, I’ve gotten keylogging and display capture working!
I’ve started on the Client GUI with Electron - but it’s really time consuming so I’ll probably stop trying to make it pretty, and get all the core functionality out… Also I’ll start working on the Relay service soon - as that will require me to figure out how to practically perform a NAT Holepunch.