TODO - Watch The China Syndrome (will be in the exam!)

Unattended incidents turn into accidents.

Fallback Attack

A fallback attack is an attack vector whereby the user is only granted access to a service if they use a older (ie more vulnerable), or perhaps even a fake (malicious) version.

Root Cause Analysis

A root cause analysis is an investigation into an issue, where all events are traced back to the original (root) problem.

Us humans love to point our fingers and place it on one single issue. But it can often be difficult to find a single cause, as issues are often multifactored and possibly spontaneous.

Human Weaknesses

  • Limited Focus - We only pay attention to what we know. And the things that we know keep drawing our thoughts and minds to those things, instead of looking out for more things.

Psychological salience - Focusing on what is most impressive and interesting.


  • Similarity Matching - Creating links between similar events so that future actions can be predicted.
    • Used often in social engineering, as you are able to predict your victim’s responses and actions
  • Frequency Gambling - Preferring a pattern successfully used in the past than what is more logical for the current context.

“The more habits we form, the less we use our torch”

  • Satisficing - Aiming for only the bare minimum.

  • Bounded rationality - Thinking only in the space of what you know (not considering ideas outside of your knowledge/understanding)

  • Group think - Thinking and acting for the betterment of a group even if it compromises your own feelings and thoughts.

Chekhov's gun

From the words of Anton Chekhov: “If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then (—) it should be fired”