Collision occurences > Birthday occurences => B R O K E N

Example Question

You have a password file of 1,000 hashes.
Assuming that 50% of the passwords used were weak passwords which can be found in a dictionary of 1,000,000 common passwords, and that hashing a password takes 12 bits of work on average, roughly how many bits of work would it take to discover all these 500 or so weak passwords?


So 2^32 => 32 bits of work to hash them all,
and 2^10 => 10 bits of work to compare the hashes.

We only really consider the 2^32, since 2^10 has such a small magnitude when added.

So, 32 bits of work.

We ignore the “500” passwords since we have to check basically all of the passwords


Case Study: Electronic Self-driving Cars

Pick your side.
Either the CTO of an autonomous driving car company, or as a minister of your government.

Concerns for the Assets of the Country

  • Jobs (Public transport, taxi services)
  • Infrastructure (roads)

Top risks

  • Security

    • Denial of Service // Jamming
    • Hacking and Car Hijacking
  • Computer Brain
    How well can we trust “computer vision”

    • My life, or theirs?
    • Incident response - What happens when an accident happens, or if there is an object on the road?
    • Who is in control of the vehicle
  • Jobs
    An increase in convenience of private transport will lead to a decline of public transport usage, but an increase in technical jobs

Preventing risks

  • Security

    • Securing wireless networks
    • Securing internal computers
    • Securing physical components
  • Computer Brain

    • What model will you go for when it comes to situations that are difficult to decide?
    • Manual override for when the passenger wants to take control?
  • Jobs
    The occupation world is unstable and always changing.
    Will lead to an increase in technical jobs - ie service people
    But will also lead to job loss - specifically for those who operate public and private transport services.


Yoooo are we left wing or right wing :‘)

No - is autonomy the way to go?
Who is in control of the vehicle?

Does the convenience outweigh risks?
Should it even be a comparison?

Class Disussion


  • Company image, reputation
  • Software & technology
  • Finance

  • Jobs and Growth

  • Privacy

  • Infrastructure

  • The people (customers)


  • Security
    • Car hijacking
    • Insider attack
    • Corruption
  • AI morality
  • Money
  • Legal issues - who’s to blame?


  • Minimise the attack surface
    • Less wireless capability (reduce remote hijacking)
  • Allow passengers to drive the vehicle (override)
  • Government watchdog / supervise the compnay
  • Adding requirements to testing / standards