Fear is subjective, tension is objective - Some YouTube video.
Fear and Tension.
The greater of these two feelings is when they are combined.
When tension disguises itself as fear, and convinces you to be fearful,
when tension meets with fear, then do we truly panic.

- Source: featherbear

To be afraid and aware of the unknown is one thing.
But to be able to be afraid of the known is another.

The more we delve into learning about (in)security, the more we truly realise how screwed up and vulnerable everything is.

(For those who know me you saw it coming.)
Say hello to my friend, the Dunning-Kruger Effect!

It is of upmost importance to be aware of the unknown, and perchance even expect it.
But once you know about something, it is important to realise that 99.99% of the time, you don’t know the entire story.

Ultimately the downfall of humanity could be considered to be pride. We humans are self-justifying creatures who love to be correct.
And that’s our downfall.

When we are prideful, we lend ourselves into one of two traps -
overlooking the small things, or over looking the small things.

When there’s a high-impact, low-probability event - we tend to ignore it.
We throw ourselves deep into statistical probabilities and calculations to justify that the chances of something bad happening is close to zero.
It is the sheer alacrity of us wanting to keep developing … inventing … where we forget the imperfections and holes of our work.
We don’t purposely implement bugs, but are we ever taking enough precautions to prevent them?

Other times though, we get too caught up into one fine detail, that we tend disregard the bigger picture… We make one feature perfect, but if the system cannot support it - the effort would have been in vain.