“Don’t worry”, they said.
“It’ll be fun”, they said.
It was not fun.

Dumpster diving is a ‘fun’ and ‘recreational’ reconnaissance activity where you look at items that have been thrown out / discarded for ‘exciting’ things! It doesn’t have to be a dumpster, and it doesn’t really have to be discarded either -
It’s basically just rummaging through someone else’s stuff.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… or in our case, one man’s trash is possibly that same man’s identity at stake.

Other forms of recon can include passive (whois lookup, google searches) or active (port scans, dumpster dive, phone calls etc).

So let’s have a look at our ‘dumpster’

Link here: http://comp6445-curlybracket-letsmakeflagsgreatagain-curlybracket.bid/challenges/car/

I’ll start by listing the obvious…

  • Fast-food wrappers
  • Drink bottles
  • Screwdriver
  • Bluetack
  • Christmas stickers
  • Name tags
  • Clothes hangers
  • Blindfolds
  • Clothes
  • Coconut spray
  • Pills
  • Condoms
  • Receipts
  • Visitor pass
  • Newspapers (opened and unopened)

With all the food ‘treasures’ in the car, we could assume that this person might possibly live inside his car (especially with all the clothes hangers)

Cards and Tags

  • Myki card - That’s a the travel ticket in Melbourne. We can infer that he’s been to Victoria
  • The Nunnery - This is an accomodation in Victoria, so we can futher assume that he has definitely been in Victoria (Fitzroy to be specific)
  • Name tags - So this guy is supposedly called “Adam”, and he might go to UNSW.
  • StartCon access pass - StartCon is a conference for startup, entrepreneurs, investors, marketers and those sort of people…Eh
  • Sunrise by Blackbird
  • Platypus Initiative

  • Coat hangers. Might be living in his car?

Around 2017

Bags and Wrapping

  • Likes beer
  • Knows someone called Shawn

Receipts / Tickets

  • Coles, West Ryde
  • McDonalds, Gladesville
  • McDonalds, Kingsford
  • KFC, Ermington

  • Parking ticket: UNSW, Macquarie Centre


Shirt size 36

I guess, with all the dates of the receipts and tickets he has, we could plot his travels on a map

Looking through Adam’s (” Adam “) stuff, we can infer that he has affiliation with UNSW, likes fast food, likes beer, is size 36, and has been to Melbourne before. Oh and he knows some guy called Shawn.

There’s definitely lots more we can get out if we spend more time - but in this little half an hour dive (with distractions of eating my dinner), we have gotten quite alot of detail already!