
Default Synthesis

  • Sequential architecture
  • One multiplier
  • One adder
  • BRAM
  • High task latency and task interval

Unrolling the inner loop (dot product loop)

Could also use the UNROLL directive, but for manual sake ...

Sequential implementation of the unrolled inner loop

  • Could do multiplication in several stages, and therefore start adding in advanced
    • Note: A mux would be needed, and requires 1 LUT per bit

Pipelined execution of the inner loop

Task latency -> 3*size + 3

Pipelined Operators (i.e. Multipliers)

Note: A bunch of different things within the FPGA are already pipelined

Task Latency -> 3*size + 5

Note: Higher latency, but less multipliers

With Complete Array Partitioning

See Array Partitioning

Task Latency -> size + 5

Note: Very high resource count

With Dual-Port RAM and Array Partitioning f=2

See Array Partitioning

For instances where there are only two accesses, we could get away with using a dual-port ram and not need to partition the array completely.

If we are using a partitioning factor of f=2, we only have at most 2^f = 2^2 = 4 IOs (assuming using dual-port), provided we keep II=1

Larger factors would require muxes and incur an increased II