Tutorial Week 2
The Role of the Operating System
Abstracts Hardware
Provides a high level of access to the devices in the system
Manages Resources
Fairly (tries to) assigns resources to each task
Privileged/Kernel vs User Mode
- Programs run in user mode
OS runs in kernel mode
Programs in user mode can't do all instructions; goes through the kernel to request access
- Disabling interrupts
- Low level hardware access
Kernel-only Access
- Disabling interrupts
- Setting time of day clock (..ehhhh.)
- Change the memory map (Allocated RAM to the process and other processes)
- Hard-disk controller register
User can perform reading the time of day clock
, fsync
File Descriptors
0 - stdin 1 - stdout 2 - stderr
Threads vs Process
Threads are like forks, except that they share their global memory.
Local memory is however independent.