System calls are special function calls to access kernel functionality in a controlled and managed way.

They allow the processor to enter kernel mode and exit back into user mode without the user needing to explicitly implement that functionality. They also prevent access of secure locations

Fetch-Execute Cycle

  • Fetch
  • Set PC (??? before or after ???)
  • Execute

x86 - Privileged-only Instructions

  • cli - clear interrupt (disable interrupts)
  • sti - set interrupt (enable interrupts)

Only executes in kernel mode.

Divide the memory into a kernel-only region, and a shared region.


Steps to make a System Call

  • Push arguments to the stack
  • Set up relevant registers
  • Execute syscall call
  • Kernel Trap!!!
    • We are now in Kernel Space (the OS)
  • Dispatcher checks trapframe
  • Do whatever needs to be done for the syscall
  • Return to caller
  • Increment SP

User -> Privileged Mode change

  • Processor mode switch
  • Stack pointer switch
  • Program counter switch
  • Registers used to pass data to and from kernel.
  • Memory used to pass data to and from kernel.

MIPS R3000

Has a co-processor (CP0) that manages the state of the main processor.

  • c0_cause register - cause of the most recent exception
  • c0_status register - current status of the CPU
  • c0_epc register - address of the instruction that triggered an exception

Accessing CP0 is done through the two kernel mode instructions mtc0 (move to c0), and mfc0 (move from c0).

Important Bits



  • Important Exception Codes

    • 0 - Interrupt
    • 8 - Syscall
  • General Exception Vector is at 0x8000 0800

Returning from an Exception

  • Set the PC to the value of the EPC (using the jr instruction)
  • Return from the exception (using the rfe instruction)

OS/161 System Calls

Arguments are passed and returned via normal C function calling convention.

Register v0 contains the system call number

  • When a syscall returns successfully:
    • Register a3 = 0 on success
  • Register a3 is non-zero if a failure has occurred
    • v0 contains the error number
    • v0 is then stored in errno
    • v0 set to -1

// TODO: Slides