Producer Consumer Problem
Producer produces data items and store the items in a buffer.
Consumer takes the items out of the buffer and consumes them.
A test condition and the result action needs to occur as an atomic instruction (considered as one instruction)
Blocks a thread until unblocked by an external signal.
Unblock is external, rather than an internal check condition.
Each primitive is atomic, and is usually implemented by disabling interrupts.
- aka wait-signal
- aka down-up
- aka P-V
A semaphore has a count
- number of times a thread can call wait
before they start blocking.
count = 0
- first thread will blockcount = 1
- the first thread will execute, the second will block1 2 3 4 5 6
// wait flag->count--; // Always subtracts one, but will sleep the thread, so it can't decrement again // signal flag->count++; // allow ONE blocked thread to continue // This is fine as each process which `wait`s, also `signal`s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | #define N = 4 semaphore mutex = 1; // Empty slots semaphore empty = N; // Full slots semaphore full = 0; /* Separate semaphore for empty and full, to cater for multiple producers and/or multiple consumers |
- Must
for everywait
- Easy to make mistakes, hard to detect
- High-level synchronisation primitive
- "Class" wrapper over a function which guarantees execution mutex
Any requested thread/function is placed into a queue, so only one can executate at a given time
1 2 3
condition x, y; x.wait() x.signal() -> allows another thread to execute, pausing itself
Dining Philosophers
- Philosophers eat / think.
- Eating needs 2 forks
- Pick up one fork at a time
- How to prevent deadlock
5 forks, 5 philosophers.
If all 5 take their left fork, there are 0 forks remaining.
They will all deadlock, as they cannot take a fork on their right.
Philosopher wakes other philosophers up when they finish eating
Readers and Writers Problem
- Access to a database
- Can have many READERS
- WRITERS must have exclusive access
READERS and WRITERS are mutually exclusive