OS/161 Synchronisation Primitives
struct lock *lock_create(const char *name);
- Name parameter for debug purposes!
- Return
if out of memory -> Thenpanic
void lock_destroy(struct lock *);
- Destroy the lock
void lock_acquire(struct lock *);
- Enter the critical region
void lock_release(struct lock *);
- Exit the critical region
struct semaphore *sem_create(const char *name, int initial_count);
void sem_destroy(struct semaphore *);
void P(struct semaphore *);
- Wait
void V(struct semaphore *);
- Signal
Locks vs Semaphores
- Locks are binary || Semaphores are not.
- Semantic - intrinsic documentation -> Locks used for locks...
Condition Variables
struct cv *cv_create(const char *name);
void cv_destroy(struct cv *);
void cv_wait(struct cv *cv, struct lock *lock);
- Sleep and wakeup on an event
- Sleeps thread and releases the lock
- On wakeup, reacquires the lock
void cv_signal(struct cv *cv, struct lock *lock);
- Wake up one
void cv_broadcast(struct cv *cv, struct lock *lock);
- Wake up all