VHDL Tricks
VHDL Packages
Entities can have properties which can be set by the implementation during instantiation.
If an assignment requires the length of a generic, we can use the OTHERS
keyword as a wildcard. (Refer to $n$-bit registers)
To set these values during instantiation, we use the GENERIC MAP
Buffer Ports
Apart from the IN
and OUT
modes of a port, a port can also have a BUFFER
mode - which allows for reading and writing from and to that port.
Multiplexing with SELECT
Note: Evaluation of all cases is done concurrently
- f <- w0 when S = 0, else w1
- 4-to-1 (2bit)
Generation Statements
Shorthand to instantiate multiple components where they only differ by one variable. (i.e. multiple muxers which folow a pattern)
Conditional Generation with IF
Conditional Assignment with WHEN ... ELSE
- Can also combine multiple cases
- Note: They are evaluated sequentially in order (left to right)
Concatenation using &
Can define a signal with a length as the sum of two other signal lengths
Statements are executed sequentially.
A process listens to a "sensitivity list", and only triggers when a value inside the sensitivity list updates. Only variables that are used in a condition or assignment should appear in a sensitivity list
- Assignments are committed at the end of the process
NOTE: Processes that describe combination logic (circuits without memory) MUST assign a value to every output signal for every execution path
IF ... THEN ... ELSIF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END IF
statements can be used inside a PROCESS
Makes the process always run, but only continues when a condition is true