Synchronous Circuits
Sequential Circuits
- Outputs depend on past inputs and states, as well as present inputs
- Sequential circuits which use clock signals are known as synchronous sequential circuits
Synchronous Sequential Circuits
- Also known as finite state machines
- inputQ
- present state
A circuit is said to be a Moore type circuit if the output state only depends on the current state Q
A circuit is said to be a Mealy type circuit if the output state depends on the current state Q
, and the input W
- Uses less states!
Note: Transitions only occur on the NEXT clock edge cycle
- The first step is to determine the number of states in a system
- Assume we start on a reset state
- Find the possible next states
- Find the possible next states
- ...
- Find the possible next states
- Create state diagram
- Create state table
- Create state assignment table
- Derive state logic expression
State Diagram
- Transitions of a Moore type circuit are labelled with the state condition
- Transitions of a Mealy type circuit are labelled with both the state condition and input value
State Table
State Assignment
States can be implemented through variables (flip-flops)
A Karnaugh map can be used to map states from a state-assigned table
CAD tooling for FSMs
- Enumerated type -
TYPE State_type IS (A, B, C);
- Define a signal of state type,
SIGNAL y: State_type;
- Use a process (sensitive to clock) that switches on
A more common way
- Create two signals
- Use a process (sensitive to clock, and executes on clock edge) that sets
y_present <= y_next;
z <= '1' WHEN y_present = C ELSE '0'
Aside: Overriding state values
Aside: If you don't want to use ENUM
- Define each state as a logic vector with a value
- Requires a
Async inputs on a Mealy machine
The output should not be asserted until after the input is asserted for 1 clock period
Register Swapping
Mealy circuit can swap two registers one clock cycle quicker (3) opposed to the Moore type circuit (4 cycles)
State Minimisation
Equivalent - Two states are equivalent if they have the same output for every input sequence
- A good state assignment is more important than state minimisation to obtain a low-cost implementation