Introduction to VHDL
Originally circuit diagrams were used to describe the implementation of the circuit. However as more and more components are added - it becomes hard to maintain and add.
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) serve as a way to literally describe the circuit (rather than what is executed on a processor)
- VHDL - Very-High-Speed-Integrated-Circuit HDL
- Verilog
Note: Syntax is case-insensitive
Entity Declaration
A VHDL entity declaration describes the interface of the circuit.
The architecture of a VHDL design unit describes the behaviour/structure of the circuit.
- Simple signal assignment statements are examples of concurrent assignment statements - as they are all evaluated at the same time.
- The order therefore does not matter
The std_logic
package defines legal values
- 0
- 1
- Z - High Impedance
- - - Don't care
- U - Uninitialised
- X - Unknown
- W - Weak
- L - Weak tending to 0
- H - Weak tending to H
To use the library, we need to include the following two lines in the code