1 point = 2 hours
Priorities: High, Medium, Low

> ES1 - As a player I want to explore the game world to feel accomplished

US1 - As a player, I want to activate exits to complete the level (High, 5 points)

  • Exits can be activated by dependent goals
  • When the player steps on an activated exit, the game is completed and the game over screen will be shown

US2 - As a player, I want to move my character so that I can interact with the game world (High, 10 points)

  • Player entity cannot move through a wall
  • Player entity cannot move through a boulder
  • Player entity cannot move through an enemy
  • Pressing the keyboard (Up, Down, Left, Right) will move the character one adjacent tile

US11 - As a player, I want to use portals so I can jump to locations on the map (Low, 6 points)

  • Stepping on portals will teleport players to the corresponding portals
  • Portals will not interact with enemies or other entities
  • If a player teleports to a portal whose tile is occupied by an enemy, the enemy is TP-killed (killed by teleportation blocking)
  • If the destination portal is obstructed by an entity other than an enemy, the teleportation is blocked

US12 - As a player, I want to restart the level so I can try it from the start again (Low, 2 points)

  • When the R key is pressed, the level is reset back to the start

> ES2 - As a player I want to face enemies and fight them to challenge my skills and have fun

US8 - As a player, I want to defeat enemies to complete the level. (Medium, 10 points)

  • Enemies will move towards the player in the same direction the player moved
  • Enemies will move adjacent to their position by one step
  • Enemies will run from the player when they are invincible
  • If an enemy collides with a player (not holding a sword or invincibility potion), the player is killed

US9 - As a player, I want to use swords to defeat enemies to complete the level (Medium, 5 points)

  • If the player has a sword and moves into an enemy, the enemy is defeated
  • Each kill uses up one durability
  • A sword has a durability of 5 uses
  • When the sword runs out of durability, it is removed from the player
  • Only one sword can be carried at once
  • When a sword is picked up, it is removed from the map

US10 - As a player, I want to use invincibility potions to complete the level (Low, 4 points)

  • When an invincibility potion is picked up it is immediately activated
  • When an invincibility potion is picked up, it is removed from the map
  • When an invincibility potion is activated, the player is given 10 moves of invincibility
  • When the player's invincibility duration is over, their invincibility status will be reset (Player's state will be restored)
  • When the player is invincible, any collisions with enemies will kill the enemy
  • When the player is invincible, enemies will flee from the player

> ES3 - As a player I want to use items to improve my player's capabilities

US3 - As a player, I want to complete goals to finish the levels. (High, 4 points)

  • Composite goals (AND, OR) have other goal requirements which must be fulfilled
  • When all goals are completed, the game is completed

US4 - As a player, I want to interact with switches to complete the level (Medium, 4 points)

  • Switches can be activated by boulders being placed on top
  • When a boulder is moved off an activated switched the switch is deactivated
  • When a switch is activated, a goal may be progressed

US5 - As a player, I want to push boulders to complete the level (Medium, 4 points)

  • Boulders can be pushed by the adjacent player in the direction the player is facing
  • Boulders can be pushed through floor switches, portals (will not teleport), open doors, exits, enemies, items (treasure, keys, swords, invincibility potions)
  • Boulders cannot be pushed through walls, closed doors, other boulders
  • Boulders cannot be used to push other boulders
  • Boulders cannot teleport through portals
  • Boulders will kill enemies if pushed unto them
  • When a boulder is pushed on top of a floor switch, the switch will be activated
  • When a boulder is pushed off a floor switch, the switch will be deactivated

US6 - As a player, I want to open doors to move around the map (Medium, 4 points)

  • Doors can be opened by corresponding keys
  • If the player has the corresponding key for the door, when the door tile is stepped on the door will unlock
  • When a key is used on its corresponding door, the key is removed from the player
  • A player can carry only one key at a time
  • A player cannot move through a locked door
  • A player can move through an unlocked door
  • When a key is picked up, it is removed from the map

US7 - As a player, I want to collect treasure to complete the level (Medium, 2 points)

  • If enough treasure has been collected for a treasure goal, that goal will be fulfilled
  • When treasure is picked up, it is removed from the map


> ES4 - As a player I want to have a seamless UI experience so I can enjoy the game

US13 - As a player, I want to see a Win Screen so I know when I have completed the level.

  • When the level is completed, a win screen will be shown

US18 - As a player, I want to see the Lose Screen when I die so I know to try again

  • When the player dies, the lose screen will appear

US14 - As a player, I want to see the available levels so I can choose which level to play

  • The available levels will be shown in a list
  • Clicking on a level entry will select that level
  • When the Play button is pressed, if a level has been selected, the game will load for that level
  • A Random button will allow a map to be selected at random

US15 - As a player I want to see what items I have so I can complete goals to win the game

  • When an item is added to the player's inventory (pickup), the item will be shown on the toolbar
  • Items with a durability/use will have a text showing the remaining uses
  • Items with a remaining use of 1 will not show their text
  • Items that can be picked up multiple times will show a count when more than one of that item is picked up (ie Treasure)
  • When an item is used up, the item will be removed from the toolbar

US16 - As a player, I want to see colour-coded items, so I know which items on the map are needed to complete the game.

  • Keys and Doors are the same colour for a given ID
  • Portals are the same colour for a given ID
  • Switches and Doors are the same colour for a given ID

US20 - As a player I want to see a start page so I know how to win the game and have fun

  • When the game first starts, a start page will show the controls
  • The start screen will not show if the player restarts the game
  • When the play button is clicked, the game will start
  • There will be a background of the game

US21 - As a player, I want to see what goals are left to complete so I can win and enjoy the game.

  • Goals will be displayed on the top left corner of the screen
  • Goals will be displayed in a list format
  • Completed goals will be removed from the list
  • Composite goals that have only one child will be shown as just the child goal

> ES5 - As a player I want to have extra game functionality so I can further enjoy the game

US17 - As player, I want to randomly teleport between matching portals so I can jump between locations

  • Three or more portals with the same ID will teleport players to a random portal of the same ID

US19 - As a player, I want to avoid saw blades so I can win the game

  • Saws will move in either a vertical or horizontal direction
  • Saws will move by one tile per turn
  • When a saw reaches a blocked path (Boulder and Wall), it will move the opposite direction
  • Saws will kill enemies and players in the way
  • Saws can overlap each other
  • If a saw moves into a player who is invincible, the saw is stopped but will continue moving in the direction when cleared

US22 - As a player, I want to activate doors and portals through switches, so that I can challenge myself and have fun.

  • A switch may have an ID
  • Multiple switches can have the same ID
  • When a switch is activated, doors and portals with that ID are activated
  • When all switches of an ID are deactivated, doors and portals with that ID are deactivated
  • Doors that have been opened by a key will not be closed by a deactivated set of switches