We were given an assignment, to implement the backend of a simple venue hiring system.
Each venue contains rooms of either small, medium, or large size.
Each booking required an (unique) ID, a start and end date, and the number of small, medium and large rooms.
Bookings were date-based, rather than time-based - so a given room on a given day could only be booked for one event.
Interacting with the system was through a sequence of JSON objects, the output also being JSON responses.


I created a little web application, not to act (per se) as a frontend of this backend (Maybe I should've...), but rather to help create queries for testing my code.

Take a look here!


Code available on GitHub: featherbear/UNSW-COMP2511


Design Considerations

  • Don't need to validate input - Input will always be valid
  • Don't need to check for duplicate reservation identifiers - always unique

Design Rules

  • Source files to be located in the unsw.venues package'
  • No third-party libraries

System Rules

  • Venues will be processed in order of input
  • When displayed with list, rooms are output in order of date (earliest to latest)
  • The first available rooms are assigned to the reservation.
  • A larger room will not be assigned to a request for a small rule
  • Rooms are not reassigned to create space


1) UML Diagram

Firstly, I had to make a UML Class Diagram for planning out how to design and build the system.

I had a few questions, mainly:

  • I have a DateUtils class, that only contains static methods, do I include it in the class diagram? If so, how?
  • I have a Size enumerator, do I include it in the class diagram? If so, how?
  • I have a LocalDateRange class that is used in my classes, but not created nor stored. Do I include it in the class diagram? If so, how?
    • low-key code smell

2) Tests

tEsT dRiVeN dEvElOpMeNt is quite good actually. Comparing program output to generated output is dumb.

I wrote a script to compile and test my code from a shell, so I don't have to open up Eclipse every darn time.

  • ./runTests.sh - Build, decommentify, and compare program outputs
  • ./build.sh - Compile the code
  • ./tests/decommentify.sh - Strip comment lines from the commented input files (in case my commented files break the assignment marking tests)

Also - who said writing tests can't be fun?

3) Clackity clackity clackity

Given the class diagram, it was just a matter of implementing all of the functions

4) Bug fixing

My main bugs were caused by bad copy-paste-find-replace'ing.
That, and my <Venue>.getFreeRooms method, which would unintentionally modify its internal state.


  • I would have liked to have implemented some error handling / throwing of exceptions, but the assignment specification had said that input will always be valid
  • As always, anonymous / lambda functions are cool