Binary counters that can be used to measure time periods/speed/frequency, generate PWM signals, schedule real-time tasks, etc…

  • Timer 0 - 8-bit
  • Timer 1 - 16-bit
  • Timer 2 - 8-bit
  • Timer 3 - 16-bit
  • Timer 4 - 16-bit
  • Timer 5 - 16-bit

Initialising the Timer

Can set the initial value of the counter to

  • 0 - Controlled by a reset
  • A number - Controlled by a count signal

The direction of the counter can be controlled by a direction signal

Interfacing with the Timer

Writing control bits into TTCRnA and TTCRnB

Timers can output:

  • Overflow interrupt request bit
  • Output Compare interrupt request bit
    • OCn bit

Timer Interrupt Mask Register - TIMSK0

  • Set TOIE0 to enable the Overflow Interrupt
  • Set OCIE0A / OCIE0B to enable the Compare Match Interrupt

Timer Interrupt Flag Register - TIFR0

  • OCF0A / OCF0B is set when the corresponding interrupt is triggered
  • TOV0 is set when an overflow occurs

These bits are cleared by hardware when the interrupt is handled.
They can be manually cleared by writing setting the bit to 0.

Timer Counter Control Register - TCCR0A and TCCR0B

(For timer 0)

  • COM0xn / WGM0n / FOC0 - Mode of Operation

Example: 1 Second Timer
