Number Systems

All numbers can be represented as sums of the powers of their base/radix.

For example

  • Base 10: 3597 = 3 * 10^3 + 5 * 10^2 + 9 * 10^1 + 7 * 10^0
  • Base 16: F24B = 15 * 16^3 + 2 * 16^2 + 4 * 16^1 + 11 * 16^0
  • Base 2: 1011 = 1 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 1 * 2^0

Concept: Subtraction

Subtraction is the addition of a number’s additive inverse.

a - b = a + (-b)

Two’s Complement

In binary arithmetic, the two’s complement of a number is its additive inverse.

For an n-digit number, its two’s complement is: b* = 2^n - b
We can simplify this as ~b - 1 (Flip all the bits and subtract 1, and keep only n LSBs)

Overflow Detection

In a n-bit two’s complement system

  • Positive Overflow occurs when: a + b > 2^(n-1) - 1
  • Negative Overflow occurs when: -a -b < 2^n - 1

Floating Point Numbers - IEEE 754 FP

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