User stories are development artifacts which provide feature requirements that the software has to conform to.
Epic stories are a summary of all of the user stories of a specific role.
Each user story has several acceptance criteria (criterion) which are specific requirements for that user story


  • Some epic story
    • Some user story (5 points)
      • An acceptance criteria
      • Another acceptance criteria
      • Yet another acceptance criteria
    • Some other user story (3 points)
      • Oh look, it’s an acceptance criteria
      • More acceptance criteria!
  • A second epic story
    • Some user story (2 points)
      • An acceptance criteria
      • Another acceptance criteria
      • Yet another acceptance criteria
    • Some other user story (1 point)
      • Oh look, it’s an acceptance criteria
      • More acceptance criteria!

The RGB Framework


The RGB framework is a method of expressing user stories in the format of:
As a _______ I want to ______ so that _________


  • As a librarian, I want to have the facility of searching a book by different criteria so that I will save time to serve a customer.

  • As a student, I want to be reminded of my class schedule every morning, so that I will be on time

  • As a lawyer, I want to see all my active cases on the main screen, so that I know what to do for the day

User Story Points

(arbitrary) priority values (known as points) are assigned to each user story, which indicates the priority and time required for that user story to be met.

The time allocated for each point is arbitrary, and is defined by the user.

Epic Stories

An Epic Story covers the high-level features for a role
For particularly high-level stories, Epic stories do not need to follow the RGB framework

i.e As a librarian I want to manage all the books in the library

Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criterion are individual requirements and functionality for each user story

When ____, then _____

Three C's of a User Story

The physical representation (post-it note!) summarising who, what and why

The dialogue between parties, specifying concrete feature requests and requirements

The acknowledgement of the procured requirements and tasks

The INVEST Framework

I ndependent
N egotiable
V aluable
E timatable
S mall
T estable


Each user story should not need to rely on other user stories


Leave room for more details
“Breadth first, depth later”


Delivers value to the customer and end user
(value of the user story)


Story needs to be clear enough to estimate the needed time


Each user story should be small, and deliverable within time


Clear acceptance criteria