Introduction to Python
Python is a
- dynamically typed language - variable types are assigned at runtime
- Interpreted language - code is compiled and executed line by line
- Strongly typed - No type coercion
Python gives us high level functions and operations to do things that might take 10-15 lines in C.
In the interpreter…
Unless defined, the _
character keeps the result of the last value
Fun fact: Python was written in C
String Indexing
your_string = "hello"
We can extract part of a string FROM an index to the end
> your_string[2:] == "llo"
We can also extract part of a string FROM an index TO a limit (not including the limit index)
> your_string[1:4] == "ell"
We can step every n
elements of a string
> your_string[::2] == "hlo"
We can extract part of a string, and also step
> your_string[0:4:2] == "hl"
We can reverse a string with a negative step
> your_string[::-1] == "elloh"
Strings are immutable (cannot change a letter by its index)
Lists are mutable though!