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Logical Operators
AND | a && b
OR | a || b
EQ | a == b
GT | a > b
GTE | a >= b
LT | a < b
LTE | a <= b

Bitwise Operators
AND | a & b
OR | a | b
XOR | a ^ b
NEG | ~a
LSHIFT | a << n, where n is an integer
RSHIFT | a >> n, where n is an integer
If signed, sign bit replaced left-end bit

How the bitwise operators differ to the logical operators, is that the bitwise operators compare the individual bits of the operands and can return a non-binary answer, whilst the logical operators only returns a 1 for true, or a 0 for false.

For LSHIFT and RSHIFT, mathematically we are multiplying / dividing by 2^n