Do it, again.

There are (more than but I’ll talk about) two ways for a program to create concurrent tasks, forks and threads.

Process Forking

A fork duplicates/clones the current process into its own separate space.
(Memory, variables, state is independently cloned).


Library: unistd.h

pid_t fork(void)

Returns -1 on errorm, 0 if child, else the PID of the child process

pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options)

Waits for a process, storing its return value into status. Returns the PID of the exited process.

pid < -1 - wait for any child process in the process group |pid|
pid == -1 - wait for any child process
pid == 0 - wait for any child process in the same PID group
pid > 0 - wait for pid

pid_t wait(int *status)

Waits for any process to exit, and stores its return value into status. Returns the PID of the exited process.
Equivalent to waitpid(-1, &status, 0)


The biggest difference between child processes and threads is that threads share resources.


Library: pthread.h

int pthread_create(pthread_t *Thread, pthread_attr_t *Attr, void *(*Func)(void *), void *Arg)

Create a new thread
Arg 1 - Thread information to store into
Arg 2 - Attributes
Arg 3 - Function for thread to run
Arg 4 - Arguments for thread’s function to run

pthread_t pthread_self(void)

Gets current thread ID

pthread_t pthread_equal(pthread_t t1, pthread_t t2)

Returns a non-zero value if t1 and t2 are the same.
Returns 0 if NOT THE SAME

int pthread_join(pthread_t T, void **value_ptr)

Wait for thread T to finish, storing the thread’s return value into value_ptr

void pthread_exit(void *value_ptr)

Terminates the current thread, storing a return value in value_ptr

Implications of Concurrency

The Good

  • Programs can run ‘simultaneously’
  • If there are multiple CPU cores, multiple programs can actually be run simultaneously.
  • Each program operates without affecting other processes

    The Not-So-Good


    If a program intended for concurrent use is poorly written, the program may experience the following issues:

  • Non-deterministic output - the same input produces different outputs

  • Deadlock - processes indefinitely wait for each other to signal

  • Starvation - a process keeps missing access to a resource

  • Corruption - (bank example)

Solution? Semaphores!

Semaphores can be considered as an overpowered locking flag that processes can use.

It basically performs the below operation, except without requiring execution cycles to wait.

while (!flag) thenWait();

Instead of repeatedly checking the value of flag, semaphores communicate with the operating system to instruct the program when to continue.


semaphore.h definitions

#include <semaphore.h>

int sem_init(sem_t *Sem, int Shared, uint Value) // Initialise Sem
int sem_wait(sem_t *Sem) // Wait for Sem > 0, then decrement and continue
int sem_post(sem_t *Sem) // Increment Sem and continue
int sem_destroy(sem_t *Sem) // Free Sem

A locking flag allows concurrent functions to fully complete before other operations are executed.