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Networked communication between devices play an important role in the running of systems.
Sure we could just copy everything onto USBs and CDs, then get them posted to our destination -
but that’s slow… or is it????


Sockets are the method in which programs connect to programs on other devices.

The server creates a socket, binding itself to an address, and waits for connections.
The client creates a socket, connecting to the address of the server, and writes and reads from the socket

sys/socket.h provides the functionality for sockets

int socket(int Domain, int Type, int Protocol)
Protocol: See etc/protocols

ret: socket descriptor, or -1 on error

int bind(int Sockfd, SockAddr *Addr, socklen_t AddrLen)

int listen(int Sockfd, int Backlog)

typedef struct sockaddr_in SockAddr
.sin_family - domain
.sin_port - port
.sin_addr - address
.sin_zero[8] - padding

int accept(int Sockfd, SockAddr *Addr, socklen_t *AddrLen)

  • Blocks until connection request
  • Returns new socket descriptor, or -1 on error

int connect(int Sockfd, SockAddr *Addr, socklen_t AddrLen)

  • Connect to the socket
  • Returns 0, or -1 on error

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