
At the end of the day, computers run off pulses of electrical signals.
HIGHs and LOWs…
ONs and OFFs…
1s and 0s…

The computer sees all of its data as binary, the character A is seen as an upper-case A to us, but to a computer it sees it as 0b1000001 (ASCII value of A)

Our maths operations are all done as binary too!
While we add 15 + 6 = 21, the computer adds the binary representations of these values

15 = 0b00001111
 6 = 0b00000110
   +   --------
     0b00010101 = 21

That’s pretty cool, though how do we access these bits? With bit-wise operations!
Note: A bit is a single 1 or 0 inside a binary number

Bit-wise Operators

AND | a & b
OR | a | b
XOR | a ^ b
NEG | ~a
LSHIFT | a << n
RSHIFT | a >> n


The bit-wise AND operator & compares the bits of each column, and returns a 1 if both bits are 1

0b111000 & 0b011001

& 0b011001


The bit-wise OR operator | compares the bits of each column, and returns a 1 if either (or both) of the bits are 1

0b111000 | 0b011001

| 0b011001


The bit-wise eXclusive OR operator ^ compares the bits of each column, and returns a 1 only if exactly one of the bits is a 1

0b111000 ^ 0b011001

^ 0b011001


The bit-wise NEGation operator ~ flips all the bits of a number, effectively changing all 0s to 1s, and all 1s to 0s.

Example: ~0b1100101 == 0b0011010


The bit-wise Left SHIFT operator << moves all of the bits in a binary number left by n.
If a bit spills (when shifted to the left, does not have any column to be put in), it it discarded.
If a number is signed, the sign bit is not changed.
0b1100101 << 1 == 0b1001010
Note: Mathematically, LSHIFT multiplies the number by 2^n


The bit-wise Right SHIFT operator >> moves all of the bits in a binary number right by n. If a bit spills (when shifted to the right, does not have any column to be put in), it it discarded. The sign bit is not changed.
0b1100101 >> 1 == 0b1010010
Note: Mathematically, RSHIFT divides the number by 2^n

So what?

All you need to know is how to add

Consider the expression 12 - 7, which is equal to 5.
If we did that in binary… 0b1100 - 0b0111

- 0b0111

When doing binary subtraction, it becomes abit tedious as whenever we have a 0 - 1, we need to reduce the left bit, and that one might need to reduce its left bit, and so forth…
This process requires extraneous computer operations, and in efficient.

SO INSTEAD, what if we were to add them?
12 - 7 is the same thing as 12 + -7, both giving us a value of 5.

12 in binary is 0b1100
7 in binary is 0b0111
-7 in two’s complement form is 0b1001 (~0b0111 + 0b1)

12 + -7
0b1100 + 0b1001

+ 0b1001

Note: The 1 spills over, and is discarded.
And behold, 0b0101 is equal to 5!

Pretty cool, huh!
By combining the different bit-wise operations, we can do cool stuff

  • Save space - 8 boolean variables could be stored in a single byte!
  • Bit masks - We can use the bit-wise AND operator to select a portion of bits in a binary string
  • Unix access flags
  • They’re cool!
  • More stuff too!


Bitwise Operations